Use this tool to calculate the stability of any GSK vaccine. Simply select from the required information below.


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*Required field


For vaccines that require reconstitution before administration, the stability data here applies only to storage prior to reconstitution. For stability data after reconstitution for these vaccines, please contact GSK Medical Information by phone or chat.
For liquid vaccines and adjuvants, an exposure to a temperature below +2°C down to 0°C is not expected to have any detrimental effect on the quality and potency as long as the vaccine does not freeze. As a conservative measure, GSK does not recommend the use of liquid vaccines for injection that have been exposed to temperatures below 0°C due to (1) potential inaccuracies and lack of consistency of different temperature-measuring devices you use and (2) the uncertainty linked to the exact period a vaccine may have been below 0°C. The actual accuracy of monitoring device you used should be considered while using this tool. In case of doubt, please contact GSK by the usual channel.

Results based on following calculation:

Vaccine Selected
What temperature was the product exposed to?
Total Time

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